The simplest, easiest, most effective and reliable way for me to touch the Lord Jesus Christ in my spirit is to just call upon His name -- “Lord Jesus!” -- as quietly, as softly, as gently as I can. Remember, Jesus Christ lives inside you . You don’t have to be loud for Him to hear you. God is not in the loud display or the boisterous activity (see 1 Kings 19:11-13: The Lord appeared to Elijah in a gentle whisper, not the powerful wind, not the earthquake, not the fire). Call upon Him quietly, gently, softly, as peacefully as you possibly can. So, get in a quiet room, by yourself, close your eyes, quiet your heart and your mind, turn within, and then, collect your spirit, if you can, and with all the love you have for your Lord, softly speak His name “Lord Jesus!” And then wait upon Him to approach you in your regenerated human spirit. When your mind wanders--and it will--simply turn again to Him and softly call His name. I find the following lyric from the Josh Groban class...