First Things First: Finding Jesus Christ in Your Spirit

I’m going to assume that you, the reader, are a Christian, someone who has repented of his or her sins and sinfulness and exercised saving faith in the resurrected and ascended Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of the guilt of sins and for the deliverance from the power of sin. This is really First Things First. If you have not, you must start there. 

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Assuming you are therefore right with God and are enjoying the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, the first step toward a deeper relationship with Him is to learn how to find Him within your regenerated human spirit.

I’ll start with some basics. If you have truly repented of your sin and turned to the Lord, and exercised saving faith in Him, you have been born again by His Holy Spirit, Who has regenerated your human spirit, which was born dead unto God as a result of the original sin of our human ancestors, Adam and Eve.

You receive His Spirit the same way you receive Christ as your salvation: through faith. No one can believe in Christ as one’s Lord and Savior without the operation of the Holy Spirit of God, so the fact that you have exercised saving faith in Christ (not just intellectual assent) is proof that you are under the influence of the Spirit.

Not only are you under His influence, when you exercised saving faith in Christ, in that very moment your human spirit was made alive unto God through Christ. And not only was your spirit made alive -- regenerated -- God moved into your heart, your spirit, your innermost being, through the power and agency of His Spirit, forever joining you to the Lord in one Spirit.

Now that Christ lives in your regenerated human spirit through the power of His indwelling Spirit of life inside you, you can live by the very same Spirit the Lord Jesus lived by when He lived upon the earth, the very same Spirit by which He lives even now, and always has, and always will: the divine life of Yahweh, God our Heavenly Father. In fact, this is the only way “the Christian life” is to be lived. You surely cannot do it. There’s only one Christian, and that’s the Lord Jesus Christ. The key to living “the Christian life” is for Christ to live it in you (and preferably, in a community of like-minded believers). See chapters 6, 7, and 8 in the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans for a complete discussion.

You start the same way: by exercising the same faith in Christ. After all, it’s the same Lord who saved you from sin who now lives inside you.

If you find you don’t have enough faith, you can either ask God to give you more faith (as faith in Christ is a gift of God), or you can “have faith” in the faith of Christ. Personally, I don’t have much faith in my faith. But, thanks be to God, I have a lot of faith in the faith of Jesus Christ who lives within me. My faith can do nothing. But His faith can do anything.

That being said, I intend to provide readers of this blog with some practical tools they can use to subjectively find and experience Jesus Christ within their regenerated human spirits. Stay tuned. Come back regularly and/or subscribe for updates via email.


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