Those That Beat, Flogged, and Nailed Christ to the Cross Hated God
“She stares off alone into the night, with the eyes of one who hates for just being born.” Racing In The Streets, Bruce Springsteen.
As if they were funneling the rage of countless fallen angels and untold millions of fallen human beings throughout time who hated God so much they wanted to kill Him. As if Satan himself was using their fists and their whips and their hammers in a fanatical rage, deceiving himself with his hate, thinking: “Aha! Now I have Him where I want Him! This is my time! I will kill Him and then I will rule the world, after all!”
I'm reminded of those lyrics from Bruce Springsteen’s song, Racing In The Streets: “She stares off alone into the night, with the eyes of one who hates for just being born.”
And at the same time, I see our Lord and Savior willingly submitting to this, as if to say, “Go ahead. Let your hatred out. Reveal yourself as you really are, for all creation to see.”
Remember: Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, willingly submitted to this horrific punishment, despising the shame – all for the joy set before Him: Fulfilling the will of His Father, and creating a counterpart for Himself, the Bride of Christ.
Believer, YOU are part of that Bride.
Believer, YOU are part of that joy.
Never forget that.
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