Our Kingdom is Not of This Earth

One way that the Holy Spirit may open your mind and heart to the deeper things of God is for you to consider the nature and origin of that innermost part of you: your human spirit. This has profound implications for your sense of identity, and for where you place your attention and affection and allegiance.

Your spirit, once regenerated and quickened by exercising saving faith in Jesus Christ, is, subjectively and theoretically speaking, the purest part of you. If you have believed into Jesus Christ and have received His Spirit, you have received His eternal life, which wells up within your spirit to quicken you and your mortal body and to quench your thirst.

Your body was made to interact with the physical dimension; that is, the visible, physical world all around you. But not so your spirit. This innermost part of you was created to live in the spiritual, invisible world, otherwise known throughout the Scriptures as the heavens, the heavenlies, the heavenly realm, the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God.

And when you believed into Christ, God did a little mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to you and brought your spirit, once dead because of sin, to life, and then breathed His very Spirit into your spirit. 

This miraculous phenomenon--Christ in You, the hope of glory--means the divine life of God Himself now dwells within you, forever. And through the power of His indwelling Holy Spirit, you now have access to the Kingdom of God and of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In fact, Scripture tells us we are seated together with Him in the heavenlies, that our life is hidden with Christ in God.

The only way anyone can enter this kingdom is through this rebirth; hence, the admonition of the Lord Jesus to Nicodemus: ye must be born again.

Flesh and blood cannot inherit this kingdom (neither those who remain endlessly enslaved to and enamored of it); only that which is born of God, of the Holy Spirit, through which the flesh and its deeds are mortified or crucified, will ever see the shores of that land. This is why being born again (and then living in and by the Spirit) is absolutely essential.

That being said, this kingdom is the new, forever home of every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

That's why we are repeatedly exhorted to seek ye first the Kingdom of God, to place your mind on things which are above and not below, to place our treasure in this heavenly dimension, where thiefs cannot enter, etc.

Conversely, Christians are also exhorted to disentangle themselves from this physical dimension, to love not this world, neither the things therein, for if the love of this world is in you, the love of the Father is not in you.

When the Day of the Lord comes, He will rend the visible dimension to shreds, like the lightning strikes from the east to the west. The dead in Christ shall rise first, and those of us alive then will rise to join them to meet our glorious Savior.

And when that time comes, no one will say, "What did the President tweet?" "Who will pick up my dry cleaning?" Lord, why didn't You wait until the game was over?" No one will say, "Well, I guess I won't get to play that new video game expansion pack." "Too bad I won't be able to finish binge-watching Season Six."

So then, if these things will have such little importance in that moment when history comes to an end... why are they so important now?

My challenge to you is: learn how to spend more time living in your new home, learn the language, the currency, and get used to the new cuisine, and start checking out of your old home. This world and all of its evil, sin, and corruption, all of its distractions, amusements, and diversions, is passing away. In its place is coming a new heaven and a new earth. Time to get ready!

Put another way: choose which side you are on, but choose wisely. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.


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