Another Look at “The Lord’s Prayer”
Here’s another spiritual exercise for you. Take what you have gleaned from the deeper Christian life that you have experienced with the Lord thus far, and revisit The Lord’s Prayer per Matthew 6:9-13.
Specifically, take these verses and pray them in the name of the Lord Jesus – which is to say, pray AS the Lord Jesus – unto the Heavenly Father. Here’s an example:
“My glorious Father, Who lives and rules and reigns in the heavens, in the heavenly dimension on the other side of that door of spirit,
“When I need You and when I need access to You and Your kingdom beyond that door within, I turn to You in my spirit and I breathe Your sacred Name: Yahweh!
“Your Name is holy, for You are holy, and Your Name gives me life – and it renews my access to Your heavenly kingdom – our home.
“Father, one day Your kingdom will be fully established and You will be fully glorified here on the earth, just as You are right now and just as it is right now in the heavenly dimension.
“Your will is done in that dimension right now, without resistance, without reluctance, without rebellion. And one day that will is going to be done again in the physical realm, as it is being done right now in the spiritual dimension, in the heavenly realm.
“May that glorious will of Yours indeed be done on this earth – in this visible, physical dimension – just as it is being done right now in the invisible, spiritual realm.
“And may Your kingdom come to the physical realm once again, just as it is in the heavenly realm.
“Father, we hunger for Your kingdom, but most importantly, we hunger for You. You are the bread of life that we need. Give us today Your self, Your divine life, as our daily bread, to nourish and sustain us, that we might live by Your life, and that we might express that life to one another.
“Grant that all those whom You have given me will love one another just as we love one another, with the same love, with the same life, by which we love one another, by which we live.
“And when they offend one another, may they forgive one another, just as we have forgiven them: abundantly, without limit, and without remembrance.
“And keep us safe from all the snares of the enemy and remind us that we are always safe and secure in Your love there in the heavenly realm, where the enemy can not break in to steal, kill, and destroy.
“So deliver us from the evil one, so that we will remain as You have made us: spotless, without blemish, pure and holy in Your sight.
“Such is Your kingdom, and Your power, and Your glory, forever and ever, world without end, amen.”
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